


  • Zeleninový vývar s hráškom a rezancami / polievka k menu 1.00 € /Obsahuje:*1,3,9

    Vegetable broth with peas and noodles

    1,79 0,33l
  • Paradajková s bazalkou a syrom / polievka k menu 1.00 € /Obsahuje:*7

    Tomato with basil and cheese

    1,79 0,33l

Upon your request, we will change your side.


  • Kuracie soté, dusená ryža

    Sauteed chicken, steamed rice

    7,99 100g/180g
  • Vyprážaný karfiol, varené zemiaky, tatárska omáčka Obsahuje:*1,3,7,10

    Fried cauliflower, boiled potatoes, tartar sauce

    7,99 150g200g


  • Sea food paella Obsahuje:*2,4

    Sea food paella

    7,99 200g
  • Linquine s baby špenátom, mrkvou a cherry paradajkami, strúhaný parmezán Obsahuje:*1,3,7

    Linguine with baby spinach, carrot and cherry tomatoes, grated parmesan

    7,99 250g


  • Hríbové krupoto s parmezánom Obsahuje:*1,7

    Mushroom barley risotto with Parmesan

    7,99 200g


  • Grilovaný zubáč so špargľovou prírodnou omáčkou, parisienky Obsahuje:*4

    Grilled zander fish with asparagus gravy sauce, potatoes

    10,99 130g/180g

Pizza menu

  • 2 ks Pizza slice + polievka

    2 pcs Pizza slices + soup

The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu