


  • Zeleninový vývar s rezancami / polievka k menu 1.00 € /Obsahuje:*1,3,9

    Vegetable broth with noodles

    1,79 0,33l
  • Brokolicová krémová / polievka k menu 1.00 € /Obsahuje:*1,7

    Broccoli cream soup

    1,79 0,33l

Upon your request, we will change your side.


  • Grilovaný hermelín, varené zemiaky, tatárska omáčka Obsahuje:*7,10

    Grilled camembert, boiled potatoes, tartar sauce

    7,49 120g/200g
  • Zemiakové šúľance, mix posýpok, maslo Obsahuje:*1,3,7,8

    Potato pasta, mix of toppings, butter

    7,49 200g


  • Hovädzí tokáň na červenom víne, tarhoňa Obsahuje:*1,3

    Beef pieces in red wine, Slovakian rice

    7,49 100g/160g
  • Kuracie kung pao, basmati ryža Obsahuje:*6

    Chicken kung pao, basmati rice

    7,49 120g/160g


  • Špaldové cestoviny, omáčka z lúpaných paradajok s pečenou cuketou a vegetariánskymi guľkami Obsahuje:*1,3

    Spelled pasta, tomato sauce with baked zucchini and vegetarian balls

    7,49 250g


Pizza menu

The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
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