


  • Hŕstková polievka s údeným mäsom 1,9,10

    Legume soup with smoked meat

    1,45 0,33l
  • Brokolicová krémová polievka 1,7,9,10

    Broccoli cream soup

    1,45 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kuracia roláda so špenátom, duseným hráškom na masle, prírodná omáčka, opekané zemiaky 1,3,7,10

    Chicken roll with spinach, steamed peas in butter, gravy sauce, baked potatoes

    6,69 440g
  • Hovädzie soté na červenom víne so zeleninou, tarhoňa 1,3

    Sautéed beef in red wine with vegetable, Slovakian rice

    6,69 470g
  • Vyprážaný oštiepok, zemiakové hranolky, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7

    Fried smoked cheese, French fries, tartar sauce

    6,69 320g

Business menu

  • Dusené srnčie ragú na lesných hríboch s borievkami, šťuchané zemiaky s opraženou cibuľou 1

    Steamed venison ragout in mushrooms with berries, mashed potatoes with fried onion

    8,69 500g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu