Kapustnica s údeným mäsom a hubami 1,9,10
Cabbage soup with smoked meat and mushrooms
1,55 €
Zeleninová polievka Minestrone 9,10
Vegetable soup Minestrone
1,55 €
Main dish
Vyprážaný kurací gordon bleu so syrom a šunkou, opekané zemiaky, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7
Fried chicken cordon bleu with cheese and ham, baked potatoes, tartar sauce
7,30 €
Pomaly pečená bravčová krkovička, zemiakové ragú s pažítkou a hubami, restovaná cibuľa 1,7
Baked pork neck, potato ragout with parsley and mushrooms, roasted onion
7,30 €
Palacinky s džemom, šľahačkou, posypané grankom 1,3,7
Crepes with jam, whipped cream, topped with sweet cocoa
7,30 €
Business menu
Rybacie zeleninové kari, jasmínová ryža so zázvorom 4,7
Fish vegetable curry, jasmine rice with ginger
9,40 €
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu