


  • Gulášová polievka so zemiakmi 1

    Goulash soup with potatoes

    1,29 0,33l
  • Zeleninová polievka na masle s pórom, mrkvou a kukuricou 7

    Vegetable soup with butter, leek, carrot and corn

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kurací paprikáš, cestovinové kolienka 1,3,7,10

    Chicken cream stew, macaroni

    6,49 470g
  • Dusené hovädzie stehno, chrenová omáčka, varená knedľa 1,3,7

    Steamed beef leg, horseradish sauce, boiled dumpling

    6,49 470g
  • Zeleninovo-syrové karbonátky, cesnakový dresing, varené zemiaky s maslom 1,3,7,9

    Vegetable cheese meat loafs, garlic dressing, boiled potatoes with butter

    6,49 450g

Business menu

The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu