


  • Šošovicová polievka s párom 1,9,10

    Lentil soup with sausage

    1,55 0,33l
  • Paradajková polievka s cestovinou 1,3,9,10

    Tomato soup with pasta

    1,55 0,33l

Main dish

  • Čiernohorský kurací rezeň, syr, varené zemiaky 1,3,7

    Chicken cutlet in potato dough, boiled potatoes

    7,30 340g
  • Bravčová pečená sekaná, zemiakový prívarok so smotanou 1,3,7

    Baked pork meat loaf, potato stew with cream

    7,30 470g
  • Viedenský cisársky trhanec s hrozienkami a slivkovým glazé, práškový cukor 1,3,7

    Viennese Kaiserschmarrn with raisins and plum glaze, powdered sugar

    7,30 450g

Business menu

  • Šúlance s kyslou kapustou a slaninou, trhané pečené mäso, čerstvá cibuľa 1,3

    Potato pasta rolls with sauerkraut and bacon, pulled baked meat, onion

    9,40 510g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu