


  • Gulášová polievka 1

    Goulash soup

    1,29 0,33l
  • Letná zeleninová polievka s celestínskymi rezancami 3,7

    Summer vegetable soup with celestine noodles

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kuracie rezančeky v kokosovom mlieku s kari pastou a čerstvou zeleninou, dusená ryža

    Chicken pieces in coconut milk with curry paste and fresh vegetable, steamed rice

    6,49 420g
  • Vyprážaný filet z tresky v sezamovej strúhanke, zemiaková kaša 1,3,4,7,11

    Fried cod fish fillet in sesame crumbs, mashed potatoes

    6,49 320g
  • Zemiakové šúlance s makom, grankom alebo orechmi, preliate speneným maslom 1,3,7,8

    Potato pasta with poppy seeds, sweet cocoa or nuts, topped with butter

    6,49 450g

Business menu

  • Grilovaná bravčová panenka podávaná s baby kelom a karfiolom, prírodná omáčka, pečené baby zemiaky s bylinkami 10

    Grilled pork tenderloin with baby kale and cauliflower, gravy sauce, baked baby potatoes with herbs

    8,49 470g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu