


  • Kulajda 1,3,7

    Potato sour soup with dill

    1,29 0,33l
  • Pórová polievka na masle s karotkou a kukuricou, krutóny 1,7

    Leek soup with butter, carrot and corn, croutons

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kurací vyprážaný gordon bleu plnený šunkou a syrom, varené zemiaky, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7

    Fried chicken cordon bleu stuffed with ham and cheese, boiled potatoes, tartar sauce

    6,49 320g
  • Bravčový pivovarský tokáň s údeným syrom, slovenská ryža 1,3,7

    Pork pieces in sauce with smoked cheese, Slovakian rice

    6,49 420g

Business menu

  • Spaghetti bolognese s hovädzím mäsom a plátkom prosciutta cruda, parmezán 1,3,7

    Spaghetti bolognese with beef and prosciutto crudo slice, parmesan

    8,49 450g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu