


  • Hŕstková polievka s údeninou 1

    Legume soup with smoked meat

    1,29 0,33l
  • Brokolicová polievka 1,7

    Broccoli soup

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Bravčové rebierko gratinované so syrom, prírodná omáčka, zemiakové hranolky 1,7,10

    Pork rib with cheese, gravy sauce, French fries

    6,49 420g
  • Hovädzie soté na červenom víne so zeleninou, tarhoňa 1,3

    Sautéed beef in red wine with vegetable, Slovakian rice

    6,49 470g
  • Ragú z čerstvej zeleniny v smotanovej omáčke z kari, basmati ryža 7,9

    Vegetable ragout in cream sauce from curry, basmati rice

    6,49 400g

Business menu

  • Kuracie prsia, krémová omáčka s hokaido tekvicou a mladou cibuľkou, pečené zemiaky 450g

    Chicken breast, creamy sauce from Hokkaido and spring onion, baked potatoes

    8,49 1,7,10
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu