


  • Maďarská mäsová polievka 9,10

    Hungarian meat soup

    1,45 0,33l
  • Pórová polievka na masle s karotkou a kukuricou, krutóny 1,7,9,10

    Leek soup with butted, carrot and corn, croutons

    1,45 0,33l

Main dish

  • Bravčové karé, pikantná omáčka s cesnakom, zemiakové hranolky 1,3,7

    Pork slice, spicy sauce with garlic, French fries

    6,69 420g
  • Vyprážaný bravčový rezeň, zemiaková kaša 1,3,7

    Dutch meat loaf with cheese, mashed potatoes

    6,69 420g
  • Indické rizoto s orieškami, zeleninou, hubami, posypané syrom 5,6,7

    Indian risotto with nuts, vegetable, mushrooms, topped with cheese

    6,69 450g

Business menu

  • Hovädzie rezančeky podávané s tmavou vínovou omáčkou s čilli papričkami a lesnými hríbmi, pečené zemiaky s rozmarínom 1

    Beef pieces with dark wine sauce with chili and mushrooms, baked potatoes with rosemary

    8,69 450g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu