


  • Fazuľová polievka na kyslo 1,7,9,10

    Bean sour soup

    1,55 0,33l
  • Francúzska polievka s mletým mäsom a cestovinou 1,9,10

    French soup with minced meat and pasta

    1,55 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kung-pao z čerstvej zeleniny s hubami a praženými rezancami z kuracích pŕs, dusená ryža 5,6,10

    Kung pao with fresh veggies, mushrooms, fried chicken pieces, steamed rice

    7,00 420g
  • Bravčová krkovička na rasci, dusená kapusta, varená knedľa 1,3,7

    Pork neck baked in cumin, steamed cabbage, boiled dumpling

    7,00 470g
  • Kari z pečenej záhradnej zeleniny, jasmínová ryža

    Baked vegetable curry, jasmine rice

    7,00 400g

Business menu

  • Beef soté na cibuľke z hovädzieho krku so zeleninou a šampiňónmi, vaječné špecle s pažítkou a maslom 1,3,7,10

    Sauteed beef neck in onion with vegetable and mushrooms, egg noodles with parsley and butter

    9,10 450g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu