


  • Kelová polievka s párkom 1,9,10

    Kale soup with sausage

    1,45 0,33l
  • Stredomorská rybacia polievka 4,7,9,10

    Fish soup

    1,45 0,33l

Main dish

  • Vyprážaný oštiepok, zemiakové hranolky, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7

    Fried smoked cheese, French fries, tartar sauce

    6,69 320g
  • Dusené hovädzie stehno na slanine, slovenská ryža 1,3,10

    Steamed beef leg with bacon, Slovakian rice

    6,69 470g
  • Trhané lievance s jahodovým lekvárom, tvarohom a pečenými jablkami 1,3,7

    Pancake pieces with strawberry jam, curd cheese and baked apples

    6,69 450g

Business menu

  • Kuracie stehno bez kosti na ružovom korení, grilované šampiňóny s baklažánom, listový šalát, medovo citrónový vienegret 10

    Boneless chicken leg in pink spices, grilled champignons with eggplant, leafy salad, honey lemon vinaigrette

    8,69 510
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu