


  • Boršč s mäsom 1,9,10

    Cabbage soup with meat

    1,55 0,33l
  • Dunajská rybacia polievka s majoránkou 1,4,9,10

    Fish soupwith marjoram

    1,55 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kuracie soté so šunkou a šampiňónmi, dusená ryža 1,10

    Sauteed chicken with ham and mushrooms, steamed rice

    7,30 470g
  • Vyprážaný bravčový rezeň plnený šunkou a syrom, pečené zemiaky v šupke, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7

    Fried pork cutlet stuffed with ham and cheese, baked potatoes, tartar sauce

    7,30 320g
  • Germknodel, parená buchta plnené višňovým džemom., vanilkový krém, roztopené maslo, mak s cukrom 1,3,7

    Germknodel, steamed buns stuffed with black cherry jam, vanilla cream, butter, poppy seeds with sugar

    7,30 450g

Business menu

  • Pečené kačacie stehno s dusenou červenou kapustou na rasci, varená knedľa 1,3,7

    Baked duck leg with steamed red cabbage in cumin, boiled dumpling

    11,50 500g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu