Ždiarská kapustnica s bravčovým mäsom 1,9,10
Cabbage soup with pork meat
1,55 €
Zeleninová polievka na masle s pórom, mrkvou a kukuricou 7,9,10
Vegetable soup in buuter with leek, carrot and corn
1,55 €
Main dish
Kuracie prsia na grile, prírodná omáčka s hubami, americké zemiaky 1,9,10
Grilled chicken breast, gravy sauce with mushrooms, American potatoes
7,30 €
Rizoto z bravčového mäsa so zeleninou, strúhaný syr, kyslá uhorka 7,9,10
Pork meat risotto with vegetable, grated cheese, pickle
7,30 €
Zeleninovo-syrové karbonátky, cesnakový drezing, varené zemiaky s maslom 1,3,7,9
Vegetable cheese loafs, garlic dressing, boiled potatoes with butter
7,30 €
Business menu
Dusená bravčová panenka na víne s karamelizovanou mrkvou a petržlenom, pyré zo zemiakov a čerstvého chrenu 1,3,7,10
Steamed pork tenderloin in wine with caramelized carrot and parsley, potato and horse radish mash
9,40 €
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu