


  • Frankfurtská polievka s párkom 1,7,9,10

    Frankfurt with sausage

    1,55 0,33l
  • Cibuľový krém s vytopenou slaninou 1,7,9,10

    Onion cream with bacon

    1,55 0,33l

Main dish

  • Bravčové karé na grile, smotanovo-hríbová omáčka, dusená ryža 1,7,9,10

    Grilled pork meat, mushroom cream sauce, steamed rice

    7,00 420g
  • Mäsové guľky so smotanovou omáčkou, brusnicový džem, zemiaková kaša 1,7

    Meat balls with cream sauce, cranberry jam, mashed potatoes

    7,00 470g
  • Vyprážaný karfiol, varené zemiaky, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7

    Fried cauliflower, boiled potatoes, tartar sauce

    7,00 400g

Business menu

  • Kura Tikka Masala (vykostené kuracie stehná marinované v bielom jogurte a tandori korení), basmati ryža 7

    Chicken Tikka Masala (boneless chicken thighs marinated in white yogurt and tandoori spices), basmati rice

    9,10 350g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu