


  • Gulášová polievka so zemiakom 1,9,10

    Goulash soup with potatoes

    1,55 0,33l
  • Zeleninová polievka na masle s pórom, mrkvou a kukuricou 7,9,10

    Vegetable soup with butter, leek, carrot and corn

    1,55 0,33l

Main dish

  • Kuracie rezance na srbský spôsob, dusená ryža 1,10

    Chicken pieces on Serbian way, steamed rice

    7,00 420g
  • Pečená klobása, fazuľový prívarok, chlieb 1,7

    Baked sausage, bean stew, sourdough

    7,00 450g
  • Ragú z červenej zeleniny na smotanovej omáčke z kari, basmati ryža 7,9

    Red vegetable ragout with cream sauce from curry, basmati rice

    7,00 400g

Business menu

  • Piccata milanese z bravčovej sviečkovice, paradajkové ragú s bazalkou, letné zemiaky s maslom a vňaťou 1,3,7,10

    Piccata Milanese from pork sirloin, tomato ragout with basil, potatoes with parsley and butter

    9,10 400g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu